The original Dr Miller's Youthin Holy Tea -Bulk Tea Bags (8 Tea Bags)

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The original Dr Miller’s Holy Tea

8 Teabag Pack

Cleanse your body and lose weight! 1 Tea bag yields 2 Qts of Tea

This product contains cathartic herbs.  Pregnant and nursing women, the elderly, children, and individuals suffering from any illness or health condition should consult with a physician prior to using this or any herbal supplement.


Doctor Miller’s Holy Tea is not a drug, nor intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or illness. You should consult with your physician before starting this or any other cleansing exercise or weight management program. 
Holy Tea, formulated by Bill Miller, Ph. D., is a unique blend of all natural ingredients which has been used with great results for over 20 years. 

Holy Tea may be used by persons who suffer with Acid Reflux, Constipation, Indigestion, Bloating, Excess Gas and Belching. Holy Tea may be used by persons who would like to Detox Chemicals, Take inches off your stomach, Clean out Nicotine & Secondhand Smoke, Keep Liver, Lungs and Colon Healthy and Clean, Help Spastic Colon Parasites, Bacteria and Toxins from their entire Digestive System. Holy Tea may also be used as an element of a Weight Loss Program.


With continued use of Holy Tea, one may experience clearer, healthier, younger looking skin, increased energy and a happier outlook! 

The objective is to regulate your bowel movements to two or three each day in order to keep the waste flowing and not sitting in your digestive system (which may cause numerous health conditions). 

You may adjust the amount of tea you consume daily to suit your body’s needs. You also need to drink 8 cups (64oz.) of water daily, which is recommended for everyone everyday, whether you have any of the above mention conditions or not!  


Directions & Suggested Use: 

Doctor Miller's Holy Tea Directions - Make one or one-half gallon – depending on how strong you want - of your favorite decaf tea (Lipton, Luzianne, or generic), Crystal Light or other beverage.  It is important that you make beverage with HOT water, but do not boil Holy Tea and do not heat in the microwave.  After you remove your tea bags, sweeten and/or add lemon, if desired, and drop two of Dr. Miller's Holy Tea bags in beverage.  Cover and let sit overnight (must steep 4-6 hours), then refrigerate.  Leave the Holy Tea tea bags in beverage until all is consumed.


Suggested Use - Drink about 8oz with breakfast and supper, and drink about 4oz with snacks.  Make sure you drink the tea with food.  If you need to drink more or less tea, you are free to do so.  It is possible to experience a bit of discomfort during the first couple days.  This is when your body is going through initial cleansing and elimination of old waste.  Discomfort should subside after a couple days.


Persimmon leaves, Malva leaves, Holy Thistle, Marshmallow leaves, Blessed Thistle.


Nutritional Label Per Serving:








Serving size          3 grs


Vitamin A      <2%


Protein               <1%


Vitamin C      <2%


Fat                       0    


Riboflavin     <2%


Carbohydrate       0


Thiamine      <2%


Calories               2 


Niacin           <2%




Sodium      <0.2%




Iron            <0.1%




Calcium       2.3%




Caffeine        0


This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 27 August, 2024.

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